Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves from Radiation

There's a lot of talk about what's going on in Japan right now. They are truly going through Hell. I am praying for them. As we are finding out all the time, we are all connected. We all live on the planet Earth and the radiation that is coming from the failing nuclear reactors will move towards the west coast of the U.S. eventually.

Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from its effects? I listened to a show on KPFA today that spoke about the value of Iodine to help protect the thyroid and other glands. I suggest you investigate the proper sources and amounts so that you don't harm yourself.

I found this blog post very good in regards to food and supplements.


Gary Young of Young Living Essential Oils has created a special kit called

QuadShield (#4559). QuadShield combines four potent Young Living products: Super C, Melrose, Longevity, and Thyromin.

He suggests that you use the following Young Living products to protect your home and environment

Longevity: 1–2 capsules twice daily
Melrose: 6–20 drops per capsule or in yogurt 1–3 times a day
Super C: 1–2 tablets daily
Thyromin: 1 capsule three times a day
ICP: 1 to 2 teaspoons in the morning
JuvaPower: 1–2 teaspoons at night
Endoflex and Digize: 1–2 capsules daily
NingXia Red: 4–6 oz. daily
Detoxyme: 3–5 capsules at night
Allerzyme: 1–2 capsules three times a day
Essentialzyme: 1 capsule three times a day
Drink three liters of water daily

Gary Young suggests that essential oils have the ability to both purify the air (and should be diffused in your home) and can protect DNA from damage caused by radiation. He suggests alternating between Purification, Melrose and Frankincense oils. Also, burning frankincense resin will help purify the air.

You can purchase all the Young Living products via my Young Living website.

The flower essence blend by FES, Yarrow Environmental Solution has been recommended for use in these circumstances.  Go to the FES site to purchase or get at your local herb shop or health food store.

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