Monday, April 6, 2009

Issue of the Week April 6 - April 12


Spring is the time in the northern hemisphere for renewal. Plants that have lain dormant during winter months begin to push their way up towards the Sun. Bulbs bloom, fruit trees go into flower awaiting pollination so that they can produce fruit.

I live in the woods, with half of my property cleared where I have a garden. Over the years, I have discovered which plants survive and flourish in my environment and which ones return in the spring. Each year I watch with anticipation to see which of the perennial herbs will actually return.

All through my youth, I wanted a home with a lilac bush. Twenty years ago, during a very difficult time, I believed I would never have a home of my own. I decided to buy my lilac anyway. I bought one in a huge pot and kept it on my back porch. In bloom when I bought it, it never bloomed again. About five years ago, when I realized that here I was in my own home whilst my lilac was still in the pot, I decided it was time to put her in the ground. Still she never bloomed. Each spring I'd examine her new growth, glad to see she was still alive, but disappointed at no flowers. This year, when the buds began to sprout, I observed her as usual. But I was in for a wonderful surprise. This year, after 20 years, she has bloomed again. A small cluster of purple loveliness at the very top of the bush! Twenty years!

And just as my dear lilac is blooming, so I too, have come full circle in one area of my life. I have returned to my study of the Maya, which I was forced to abandon 20 years ago. While I had taught several courses since then, I really had no enthusiasm to do new research. All this shifted when I got involved with the '2012 movement' see my 2012 blog .

I have got re-inspired and 'renewed'. I will be teaching a course this Summer through Santa Rosa Junior College, Community Education on Mayan hieroglyphs, the calendar and 2012.

Renewal means 'made new again'. It is not necessarily a case my making the same things new again. In my case, renewal is an upward spiral which revisits former activities, but in a new way, with a revised approach.

Currently we are all experiencing Venus, Saturn and Pluto retrograde (see my astrology blog). We are being asked to re-evaluate our priorities, needs, wants and desires. Some are being forced into this and see it as a confrontation. I feel, that if we do not do our inner work willingly, we will be forced to do so by the evolutionary imperative.

This winter has been difficult for many of us. I, too, have experienced financial loss and a 'restructuring' of my personal budget. But, I can still appreciate this time of the year and the promise that it holds. The great mysteries of life are always unfolding for us in Nature. There is a cycle of Nature that includes contraction and expansion. Death and Rebirth. We are in the season of rebirth and renewal. Enjoy it and learn the lesson of it.

This week our essence is from Desert Alchemy.

ReSourcerer of ReCreation Formula

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